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"Who is your 

future twin?"

"Creating a space for the people to dance."
- San Francisco Chronicle

Future Twin is the moniker for generative musician and multi-media artist Jean Jeanie. She is a multi-instrumentalist, composer, singer and dancer. She describes her sound as avant pop. Deli Magazine calls it "soul-gayz." 


"Music for the front-lines, in a time when the word revolution is alternatively mocked, pimped, played-out and ignored,  Jean Jeanie makes it like another world is still possible. She evokes just about everything great in the pantheon of rock-and-roll. Patti Smith’s poetics, the art-drenched cool of St. Vincent and X-Ray Specs. The harmonies of the Wilson Sisters. The gospel according to Saints Strummer, Near and Makeba.


Her songs and voice seem to stop time, bend it, transport us to when and where you feel music creates insurrection. Where love matters like nothing else. A time when gender doesn't come packaged with pain. A place beyond cynicism where visions of the apocalypse are replaced by the politics of the imagination.


It’s hard to be certain if she’s right, looking out at the planet Future Twin currently calls home. But as long as there is music this good to be found in between the cracks, there is hope for redemption."


On stage and in the studio, Jean Jeanie performs rogue/solo, navigating vocals and multiple electronic and traditional instruments; other times she activates a cadre of musician collaborators. She currently performs most often on the West Coast with Kelyn, a luminary professional guitarist from Texas, currently residing in San Francisco. She records with a small collective internationally, including Alexey Turanov (Oakland via Russia), Mike E.G. (Brooklyn via SF), and Miles DeIaco (Berlin via SF). She has performed and toured with La Femme, the Black Lips, Black Angels, Heartless Bastards, Thee Oh Sees, Lightning Bolt and Two Gallants.


- Excerpts written by James Tracy, author of “Dispatches Against Displacement,” “Hillbilly Nationalists,” and “Urban Race Rebels.” 



Suffer No Fools LP, TBA**

"Back 2 Hell" Music Video, Spring 2023

"Back 2 Hell" Single, Fall 2019

"Calling All the Lost Boys" Single 2018

"Mary" Music Video & Single 2017

"Head Like A Halo" Music Video & Single 2017

"Hope" Music Video & Single 2017

"Are You Rested Enough Yet" Music Video & Single 2016

Wavelength Sovereignty LP 2015**

"We're Here" Music Video & Single 2014

Chillality EP 2014

Situation EP 2012

Resist 7" 2012


**not yet released



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